"Hands Free × Umbrella Upside Down" ~The umbrella is fun even on rainy days~ <Original Problem & Idea/ Solution😿> Japan is about to enter the rainy season. Doesn’t the rain make you dread going outside every rain day?? Particularly problem for me is, (1)getting my clothes and shoes wet when carrying a wet umbrella on the bus or inside the classroom (2)When I hold the umbrella, one hand is occupied = It is inconvenient when you have a lot of baggage. The solution to both of these problem is, "Hands free × Umbrella upside Down" <Specifics💫> ・Purchase the "umbrella holder" about 9,900 yen & "umbrella upside down" about 2,580 yen. Hands free umbrella (holder): HURIIA(9,900 yen) ・ The brand has a band on the shoulder to hold the umbrella in place. ・It is compact and easy to carry. Umbrella upside down: VERILADY(2,580 yen) ・The rain-soaked side folds inward, so neither you nor the people around you get wet when riding on a car...